Auto Refill FAQs

Why are some prescriptions not available for Auto Refill?

Some Controlled Substance Scheduled medications are not available for Auto Refill since they require a new written prescription every time. Medications that are typically given for short-term use or used for one course of therapy (e.g. antibiotics) are not suitable for Auto Refill. Also, medications that are used on an as-needed basis to treat intermittent symptoms are not suitable for Auto Refill. If you have any questions, please check with your Pharmacy.

When I try to change my Auto Refill store, I get a message telling me that the selected Auto Refill Pharmacy is different from my home Pharmacy. What does this mean?

At one time, your local Pharmacy was informed that you didn't want any other Pharmacy to have access to your records. Due to this request, we have blocked your Pharmacy records from being seen by any Kroger Co. Family Pharmacy other than the Pharmacy where you have been filling your prescriptions. If you select “OK” and continue, your home Pharmacy setting will be removed.

Will expired prescriptions refill with Pharmacy Auto Refill?

The Pharmacy will automatically contact you and your prescriber if there are any issues obtaining a new prescription.

Why isn't my prescription Auto Refilling?

If you have elected to have auto refills and having issues, your prescription may have been filled and not picked up. It was then returned to stock by the Pharmacy. You must re-request a fill of the prescription, and once you have picked it up, the prescription will be refilled automatically the following month.

Why does my prescription enrolled in Auto Refill say “overdue”?

Your prescription was filled and not picked up. It was then returned to stock by the Pharmacy. You must re-request a fill of the prescription, and once you have picked it up, the prescription will be refilled automatically for your next refill.

Haven't found what you're looking for?

Please see our FAQs or visit the Help Center for additional assistance. If you would like to speak with us directly, or if this is urgent, please call us at: 1-800-KRO-GERS (888–852–2567)

Review our Pharmacy Notice of Nondiscrimination to learn more about how The Kroger Co.’s and its subsidiaries’ pharmacies and retail health clinics (“Kroger”) complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws.

Pharmacy, Clinic, and Nutrition services are available in select areas. Access our pharmacy locator to find a pharmacy near you. The Little Clinic practices in the following states only: AZ, KY, OH, TN, CO, IN, GA, KS, VA. Access our clinic locator to find a clinic near you. Nutrition services are not available in AK, MT, NJ, NY, SC, WA, WY or where otherwise prohibited by applicable law. Walk-ins welcome as time allows.