3D Thankfulness Tree

Cut-out paper hands decorated with construction paper and twine

Turn pickup sticks from a chore to a game, and make a three-dimensional tree to celebrate the season and reflect on all there is to be grateful for this time of year.

Things You'll Need:

  • Sticks gathered from outside
  • Construction paper (fall colors)
  • Pencil
  • Hole punch
  • Scissors
  • Twine


  1. Take the kids outside and gather sticks from the yard. Sticks should be at least two feet long, and the more you gather, the bigger your tree will be. When you feel you have enough, arrange them so they’re flush at one end. Use twine to fasten the bundle together so it can stand up on its own.
  2. Next, on orange, red and yellow paper, trace hands of kids and cut out the shapes (or have them cut, depending on age). This will create a lovely variety of autumn “leaves.” Prompt a discussion by asking what they’re thankful for—at school, at home, in a specific friend or family member, etc. Write or have them write down their responses on the leaves.
  3. Finally, use a hole punch and twine to make the leaves into ornaments and decorate your autumn tree as a family. Display the tree in a corner of the house, on the front porch (if covered) or as an impressive centerpiece.